I love to work in this way with such a tailored approach to your own unique needs.

I have experience working in a 1-1 environment within client'sā€™ homes, at studios, via Zoom and also in Sydney at Sargood for those with debilitating spinal cord injuries. I have a high level of training in pregnancy yoga, birth preparation and post natal yoga as well as teaching yoga to support mental health.

The use of yoga as a therapy is an Ayurvedic application - this allows for the creation of specifically tailored programmes over a long-term period, addressing holistic health and awareness.

What does this include?

  • Initial discussion of wellbeing, this comprises of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual circumstances

  • Tailored programme: asana, pranayama, meditation

  • 1-1 live (online or in studio) sessions to explore a variety of yoga and check in with personal experience of programme

  • Opportunities to feedback and delve deeper into any areas of blockage

  • Continuous support, a place to check-in, a container for your own journey back toward your truest self

Please register interest below and you will be the first to know when an opportunity opens up.

At a time of great need and despair just having received a diagnosis of bowel cancer, Ella agreed to provide me with bespoke Yoga sessions when I reached out for help. Through a series of sessions, Ella gently and expertly guided me through post surgery phase and coping with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. She went out of her way to create bespoke sessions, for example when I was struggling with nausea. I felt held, understood, safe as well as allowed to float during the sessions. They were perfectly tailored to my physical and spiritual needs. I feel blessed and lucky that I had this life affirming experience when I needed it most. I will always remain in your debt, Ella!
— Abdullah Kraam
I love working with Ella. I first met her through online meditation classes and I loved the way she guided the session - trying different techniques and teaching more about Yoga and the meaning behind things.

Having tried a couple of her group online sessions I decided to explore the options of 1:1 lessons. At the time I had not long had surgery for Lobular Breast Cancer and was in the middle of my chemotherapy, I have found Yoga to be really helpful for my well-being as well as my body and I was keen to get some input from a teacher in an environment where the class could be tailored to my specific needs.

Ella has been so lovely to deal with and has put together some wonderful sessions for me. I have really enjoyed learning about how my body is now moving. Since the surgery, I have started daily Yoga practice and adding in the new things that I have learnt through my sessions with Ella has been amazing. Giving myself this time to focus on where I am in my body and mind has been invaluable to my recovery so far. I have made a real connection through Yoga and meditation. The daily discipline of this practice has been invaluable whilst I have been shielding and I have found space and peace.
— Jacqui Taylor